While we’re at it


Without further context or clarification, it is unclear what “While we’re at it” means. As such, I propose focusing on the potential harm that pyramid schemes can cause to individuals and communities.

Pyramid Schemes

  • Pyramid schemes are fraudulent business models that rely on recruiting new members to make money, rather than selling a legitimate product or service.
  • As more people join the scheme, the higher levels of the pyramid benefit from the fees paid by those on lower levels.
  • Eventually, the pyramid becomes unsustainable and collapses, leaving the majority of participants with financial losses.

Potential Harm

Pyramid schemes can have a devastating impact on individuals and communities:

  • Participants may lose their life savings and be left in financial ruin.
  • Friends and family members may be recruited and also suffer financial losses, leading to strained relationships and broken trust.
  • Communities may be targeted by pyramid schemes, draining resources and causing widespread financial hardship.


It is important to be aware of the dangers of pyramid schemes and to avoid participating in them. By educating ourselves and others, we can help prevent these fraudulent schemes from causing harm to individuals and communities.
